Truth or understanding comes in a flash, and that flash has no continuity; it is not within the field of time. Do see this for yourself. Understanding is fresh, instantaneous; it is not the continuity of something that has been. What has been cannot bring you understanding. As long as one is seeking a continuity—wanting permanency in relationship, in love, longing to find peace everlasting, and all the rest of it—one is pursuing something which is within the field of time and therefore does not belong to the timeless.
Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Book Of Life

In your bathroom you have a bottle marked “poison,” and you know it is poison; 
you are very careful of that bottle, even in the dark. You are always watching out for it. You don’t say, “How am I to keep away, how am I to be watchful of that bottle?” 
You know it is poison, so you are tremendously attentive to it. Time is a poison; it creates disorder. If this is a fact to you, then you can proceed into the understanding of how to be free of fear immediately. But if you are still holding time as a means of freeing yourself, there is no communication between you and me.
You see, there is something much more; there may be a totally different kind of time altogether. We only know two times, physical and psychological, and we are caught in time. Physical time plays an important part in the psyche, and the psyche has an important influence on the physical. We are caught in this battle, in this influence. One must accept physical time in order to catch the bus or the train, but if one rejects psychological time completely, then one may come to a time that is something quite different, a time which is not related to either. I wish you would come on with me into that time! Then time is not disorder; it is tremendous order.
Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Book Of Life

So time means moving from what is to “what should be.” I am afraid, but one day I shall be free of fear; therefore, time is necessary to be free of fear—at least, that is what we think. To change from what is to “what should be” involves time. Now, time implies effort in that interval between what is and “what should be.” I don’t like fear, and I am going to make an effort to understand, to analyze, to dissect it, or I am going to discover the cause of it, or I am going to escape totally from it. All this implies effort—and effort is what we are used to. We are always in conflict between what is and “what should be.”
The “what I should be” is an idea, and the idea is fictitious, it is not “what I am”, which is the fact; and the “what I am;” can be changed only when I understand the disorder that time creates.
So, it is possible for me to be rid of fear totally, completely, on the instant? If I allow fear to continue, I will create disorder all the time; therefore, one sees that time is an element of disorder, not a means to be ultimately free of fear. So there is no gradual process of getting rid of fear, just as there is no gradual process of getting rid of the poison of nationalism. If you have nationalism and you say that eventually there will be the brotherhood of man, in the interval there are wars, there are hatreds, there is misery, there is all this appalling division between man and man; therefore, time is creating disorder.
Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Book Of Life

Με καταγωγή από το Hong Kong, απόφοιτος του Art Center College of Design. 
Ζεί στο Los Angeles. Την τέxνη του δύσκολα την βάζεις σε κατηγορία.

Στο video που ακολουθεί η συμμετοχή του στο Sketchtheatre.
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Έρχονται απο τον Καναδά. Οι μουσικές τους επιρροές ξεκάθαρες.

"Let's talk of a system that transforms all the social organisms into a work of art, in which the entire process of work is included... something in which the principle of production and consumption takes on a form of quality. It's a Gigantic project." - Joseph Beuys